This site ('') is ©2023 by Kirk Bailey Enterprises (aka 'KBE' or 'kbe') all rights reserved.
The tello logo and TradeMark is owned by tello Wireless LLC.


This website is an aid to tello customers who wish to persue referring people to their wonderful cellphone service provider. This is NOT, or the tello corporation. it is privately built and managed by an enthusiastic fan of his phone companys' effort to get dirt cheap cell service into the hands of struggling poor folks who truely need it. By doing so, they can EARN tello DOLLARS (which are NOT Federal Reserve Dollar notes, nor are they convertable into such- so far...) with which they can use to buy phones or pay their (miniscule) service bill. By doing so, this is a WONDERFUL help to the financally distressed.

PS:Please link to THIS page. Visitors: it makes no sense if you go to any other page first. REALLY, after reading this one, read the wiki next.

And if you are NOT a tello customer, this site can do NOTHING for you, so use the link in the footer menu and GO THERE; sign up as a customer, and once you are familiar with THAT service and website, come visit us again.


We built an Email Discussion List!

Visit here to check out the TelloTellers list, for folks who want to succeed at it- and harvest a few TelloDollars!


The B&W tello Wireless LLC logo The BLUE tello Wireless LLC logo
B&W does not fade in sublight.
PAPER is runed by rain, use vinyl.
sunlight fades blue.
WET inkjet runs; spray with clear Krylon.

ALL paper decomposes in rain!
UNLESS you make it waterproof using 'Krylon clear UV resistant spray Acrylic Coating'
OR, you use vinyl 'paper'.



The Front-Page of this site  tello's website HELP WIKI! aka 'HOW TO' 101! *Create YOUR power phrase with a power word!* Check Pword performance?
 Home page Visit Tello Wireless! Help Wiki! Register your ID CODE + Power word! Just use the address and code you wrote down.